tom3yn napisał(a):
przy kodowaniu 00001 skrzynia przechodzi w tryb awaryjny
przykłady kodowania, wg nich Twoje jest ok
Coding table A8 1994,
Automatic gearbox control unit 01L
Coding Market Model Model year
00001 RoW A8 All
00101 RoW S8 All00002 USA/Can A8 up to and including MY 2001
00102 USA/Can S8 up to and including MY 2001
01002 USA/Can A8 from MY 2002
01102 USA/Can S8 from MY 2002
Znalazłem takie kodowanie na stonie Ross-Techa
Non-DBW (Drive-by-Wire) Cars:
00000 = Standard (DSP active)
00010 = Standard (DSP inactive)
DBW (Drive-by-Wire) Cars:
0?xxx: Tiptronic Installation
0 = Tiptronic Buttons/Paddles not installed
1 = Tiptronic Buttons (shifter +/- switch) and/or Paddles installed
0x?xx: Tiptronic Strategy
0 = Old Strategy (Shifts to first Gear when braked to Standstill)
1 = New Strategy (Automatic Up/Down Shift before RPM Limit & Down Shift at Kick-Down)
0xx?x: Dynamic Shift Program (DSP)
0 = DSP active
1 = DSP inactive
0xxx?: Region/Powertrain
1 = All-Wheel-Drive (Rest of World)
2 = All-Wheel-Drive (North American Region)
3 = Front-Wheel-Drive (Rest of World)
4 = Front-Wheel-Drive (North American Region) procedura Adaptacji Kick-Downa
Kick-Down Basic Settings in ECM
Note: Most Drive-by-Wire (DBW) throttle systems support the Kick-Down Basic Settings procedure.
[01 - Engine
[Basic Settings - 04]
Set Group to "063"
Engines using KWP-2000 or CAN will have the [ON/OFF/Next] button. Click it to turn on Basic Settings.
Press accelerator pedal all the way to the floor.
Kick-down Blee or 10 times may be displayed before holding the pedal to the floor.
The 4th field of display should switch to ADP OK once it has completed.
[Done, Go Back]
Release the accelerator pedal.