Zeskanowałem VCDSem auto Audi A4 B8
Oto jakie błędy mi pokazał:
Address 01: Engine (J623-CAGC) Labels: 03L-906-022-CAG.clb
2 Faults Found: 5462 - Starter Control; Returned Message P3053 00 [109] - 50 Short to Ground Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00000001 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Mileage: 185590 km Date: 2015.07.17 Time: 18:02:43
5174 - Fuel Pressure Regulation P1065 00 [096] - Regulation Discrepancy Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00000001 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 2 Mileage: 185590 km Date: 2015.07.17 Time: 18:30:27
Address 07: Control Head Labels: 8T0-035-7xx-07-H.clb
2 Faults Found: 00003 - Control Module 005 - No or Incorrect Basic Setting / Adaptation Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100101 Fault Priority: 5 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 136 Mileage: 185590 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2015.07.17 Time: 17:59:56
01042 - Control Module; Not Coded 000 - - Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100000 Fault Priority: 7 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 255 Time Indication: 15
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels: Redir Fail!
1 Fault Found: 01206 - Signal for Duration of Ignition Off Time 008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00101000 Fault Priority: 7 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 176 Mileage: 185590 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2015.07.17 Time: 18:00:41
Proszę o pomoc w zdiagnozowaniu oraz jak ew. zakodować/naprawić te błędy.