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 Tytuł: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 13:44:48 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
Hi, i'm from Russia, Kaliningrad

I need help

I do not speak Polish, so I'll write in English :sindbad:

I want to buy a Audi 100 С3 (only 1988-1990) in Poland, but I do not know where you can see announcements.

Maybe on this forum who is selling the car I'm looking for?

even if possible, wanted to create a bridge of communication between Audi Club Kaliningrad (Audi39.com) and Audi Club Polska.

Thanks in advance:)

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 13:58:31 

Dołączył(a): 03.wrz.2006 18:00:11
Posty: 2735
Lokalizacja: Kr
here you can try:



Na stanie:
/986/A4 B5Q FL avant/T25 Tojka/A4 B5/A6 C5 Q/Patat B5FL
R5/R5efi/1.8T/V8 manual/2.7 H6/PB V6 manual/1.8PB/1.8T AWT/2.7BiT/AWX

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 14:00:37 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
Thank you, and what sites there are?

on these sites everywhere the same machine

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 14:07:39 
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Dołączył(a): 13.sie.2003 11:35:46
Posty: 6442
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Otomoto puts adverts on motoallegro, so sometimes it can duplicate.
Anyway, those two adresses are to vist frequently in your quest for a car ;)

Skoda Superb 1.9 TDI
BMW R1200 GS, Aprilia Mana 850

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 14:09:28 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
there are very few cars, then there is - rubbish, expensive or old :(

you have a section where you can create a topic about our club?

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 14:15:54 
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Dołączył(a): 13.sie.2003 11:35:46
Posty: 6442
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Remember that these cars are 20+ years old, therefore it will be difficult to find a mint ride ;)

Skoda Superb 1.9 TDI
BMW R1200 GS, Aprilia Mana 850

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 14:19:30 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8

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 Tytuł: Re: kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 02.lut.2012 22:57:57 

Dołączył(a): 15.mar.2008 22:05:44
Posty: 2633
Lokalizacja: EPWA
Hi. Why don't you try in Lithuania? I've heared in the past that the cars might be cheap there and mostly straight from D? You have to be really patient and just simply keep checking the webs. Like above - C3 is getting kinda old ;) By looking for one in good condition for cheap you do not make it easy. If you know what I mean by that...
Anyway all the best in efforts!

Problem jaki AELa spotyka, to łapy mechanika.
Jest Touareg 7P lift 3.6.
Jest Audi 100 1990, 2.2 KU, manual + klimatronic, elektryka.
Hobbystycznie Tecnam 2006T, Cessna 150/152, Wilga, Piper.

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 03.lut.2012 18:47:30 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
I have a friend in Poland who can buy a car and leave it at the time

to bring the car in Russia - it has to be taken apart. to do so naturally there is no place in Lithuania :(

My neighbor drives a car imported from Poland, it is quite good ;)

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 04.lut.2012 23:52:28 
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Dołączył(a): 19.wrz.2009 20:43:05
Posty: 5990
Lokalizacja: 51°12'N; 17°23'E - Oleśnica
Why C3? Why not C4? You have to notice, that these cars are quite old and it`s getting harder and harder to find one, and much harder to find it in good condition, but everything is up to you...

`03 MB W211 320 CDI
`02 Audi A6 Avant 2.7T ARE, quattro, MT + LPGTech + koksu 2012-2016
`92 Audi 100 C4 Avant 2.6 ABC+Stag 300 Plus -2008-2012

Obrazek Piszę poprawnie po polsku, ty też pisz poprawnie po polsku, chyba, że nie robi Ci różnicy, że robisz komuś laske, a nie łaskę

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 05.lut.2012 09:20:20 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
if c4 - only a6 )

I have documents from C3

documents from the c4 cost around 7,000-9,000 zlotyh (the whole machine around 15,000 - 20,000 PLN O_O)

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 05.lut.2012 09:50:44 

Dołączył(a): 15.mar.2008 22:05:44
Posty: 2633
Lokalizacja: EPWA
rik napisał(a):

I have documents from C3

Buddy, be careful what you are posting...
I'm out of this.

Problem jaki AELa spotyka, to łapy mechanika.
Jest Touareg 7P lift 3.6.
Jest Audi 100 1990, 2.2 KU, manual + klimatronic, elektryka.
Hobbystycznie Tecnam 2006T, Cessna 150/152, Wilga, Piper.

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 05.lut.2012 10:10:11 
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Dołączył(a): 13.sie.2003 11:35:46
Posty: 6442
Lokalizacja: Kraków
rik, you got answer to your question.
You feasibly can find C4/A6 around 10k- just keep your eyes open.

P.S. Nobody here will discuss about any messing with docs- not this Forum.

Skoda Superb 1.9 TDI
BMW R1200 GS, Aprilia Mana 850

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 05.lut.2012 14:41:08 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8
you are not properly understood. no. everything is absolutely legal guys :)

it is difficult to explain in English / Polish. :(

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 05.lut.2012 19:14:21 
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Dołączył(a): 13.sie.2003 11:35:46
Posty: 6442
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Skoda Superb 1.9 TDI
BMW R1200 GS, Aprilia Mana 850

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 Tytuł: Re: chcę kupić Audi 100
PostNapisane: 25.mar.2012 16:31:08 
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Dołączył(a): 02.lut.2012 13:33:29
Posty: 30
Lokalizacja: Konigsberg/Gumbinnen, Russia
Auto: 100 C3 87 1.8

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