poszukuje mojego pierwszego autka. Wybrałem Audi TT. Na mobile.de znalazłem kilka dobrych ofert, ale jak się okazało wszyscy chcieli zaliczki itp. oczywiście nie dałem się złapać, ale trochę się sparzyłem tą sprawa. Teraz znalazłem Audi TT 2006r po bardzo niskiej cenie. i oto moja korespondencja z tą sprzedawczynią:
jej 1 mail plus dostałem kilka fotek:
Thanks a lot for your mail and your kind interest for my car. I want to apologize that I can not speak german. If you don't understand english I will try to respond you in german next time - I must say that I will use a translator, so my german will be not soo good. From the beginning I must tell you that the car looks like in the pictures ( attached to this messages you will find more ). I'm not an expert on cars but I can ensure you that it is in perfect conditions and it never had any problems with the engine, it has never been crashed and the maintenance was made by authorized service, the service book confirms it. If you are still interested, to buy this car, please contact me back, and I will tell you more about how we can forward with this deal. I must say that I can only accept a face to face meeting - you will be able to test the car, drive it.
2 mail:
The car has German papers with German license plates, I am the second owner and I have also the document called coc (european certificate of conformity ). Comparing it with other cars, the price is a little bit low and I am aware of it, that's why I need to explain it to you: it has the steering wheel on the left side making driving hard for me in UK, so I have to to sell it in another country. I have a friend who speaks a little bit German and he helped me placing the Internet ad on mobile web site, he told me that I will sell the car on this web site in no time. My friend didn't know all car details and that's why some data from the site are wrong. I got the car for few months ago following my divorce, my ex husband kept the Volvo so he had to buy me a car, this one ( I suppose he considered funny buying a left sided car for me to drive it in a right sided country). I would very much like to make this deal in person, but it will be very hard because I have a lot of work to do in Norway ( the company I work for opens a new branch there and it seems I am the only capable branch manager they have). Don't worry, the car remained in London. It is hard for me to skip work now, so I need to be sure that you will come to London, in case you decide you want to buy the car. So if you are interested in purchasing my car, please let me know.
3 mail:
The best solution to do this is meeting in London face to face. You will be able to see the car, drive it and test it on the authorized dealer. We can arrange all the papers in few hours in a notary's office with the police service. I think my brother-in-law ( who is a police officer) will help us with the documents. There are two ways to do that, I can give you my license plates ( and my insurance ), or you can buy a temporary license plates from London ( germane one, witch costs is 30-50 EUR ). If you are thinking about how you can return to continent - there are 2 ways too ( from my point of view ). You can return through Eurotunnel ( witch costs is 50-70 Eur ) or with ferry boat ( witch costs is much lower ). At the end of this message you will find my phone number but I must tell you that is not working all the time because I am in roaming. Since we still working at our offices here we don't have a phone installed - In few days we will resolve this issue and I will give you the number from my office. So, if you decide to buy my car and come in London please let me know and we can think about closing this deal in the safest, fastest way for the both of us. I must add that due to the nature of my work, phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this mail and send you a message. Like i said am presently offshore busy sailing in the Noth sea and I have access to internet from time to time.
Waiting for your reply,
I teraz jestem w potrzasku. Jak myślicie czy to może być oszustwo ? Jak by mogła mnie oszukać w takim razie ? Jak się zgodze i tam polece do Londynu to w na co zwrócić uwagę ? Proszę pomocy. To będzie mój pierwszy samochód na który SAM zarobiłem więc będę bardzo wdzięczny za wszystkie rady. Może ktoś z Państwa mieszka w Londynie i był by chętny mi pomóc ? Chętnie zapłacę troszkę za fatygę jeżeli będzie potrzeba.
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